Shamanic Clinic Europe
The knowledge of the knowledge, the gateway to ancient wisdom and understanding of the soul, the connection to the knowledge of earth and heaven that never runs dry. Listening to the spiritual worlds, to nature, which is an infinite song, a prayer that never becomes silent.
There is infinitely much to receive, at best to understand. The governance of spirituality, the power of action in the personal field, the life force, the principles of all-embracing nature, the laws of the spiritual worlds.
Often it is a longing, a silent roaring struggle in the space of heart and soul, a vague and yet certain knowledge about something, something that remains hidden from the everyday thoughts, the brain waves of thought and the biological eyes that reveal the visible world, that leads people to the Shamanic Clinic Europe
Shamanic Journey & Lectures – Vienna
The healing shamanism signifies for our time and for the spiritual development the living connection with original traditional healing knowledge.
The Shamanic Clinic Europe is a place where healing shamanism, shamanic tradition and ritualism are lived and taught. Clairvoyantly with a peaceful mind and an open heart. Unembellished naming perfidy and the inauspicious, deep recognition of the natural wisdom of the self and the blazing light of the spiritual cosmos that point the way to the future.
In connection with the surrounding nature, a yurt serves as a central place of work.
The Shamanic Clinic Europe offers support for healing both mental and physical imbalances on several levels: the spiritual-emotional, the connection with all nature which is our connecting homeland and with everything soulful.
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