Welcome at the Global Shamanic Centre
Shamanism of the future
In our shamanic work at we believe it is essential to strengthen our personal creative powers. In their shamanic work, the two shamans Regina Hruska and Stephanie König help to lovingly reshape a world that has gone out of balance. Their healing presence in nature supports people who long for peace. Their peace work is connected to the spiritual world. Healing shamanism conveys constructive meaning and hope-giving inspiration in all areas. Have a look to our shamanic work!
Power of the ancestors
In this video the shaman calls the mountain ancestresses in the mountains of austria. In the traditional shamanic ritual he calls the spirits of the mountain who guard the riches of the earth. For healing and peace he calls the green man, the shepherd warriors and the owners of the mountain. With shamanic power he calls the helping beeings of the mountain, the wild woman, the mythical woman, the owners of the springs, the ancestral souls, the fairy folk.
Martin Goldmann is shamanic teacher in the Shamanic Centre Europe, „Licht aus der Jurte Shamanic Centre Vienna“ and „Shamanic Clinic Europe“
Schamanenritual für Mutter Erde auf der Schamaneninsel Olchon. Baikalsee – Sibirien
Шаманский ритуал для матери-земли на шаманском острове Ольхон